Horny Hostage
"Ummmmmmm, I want all three of you guys to fuck me at once!" Bambi said.
The three young studs before her all nodded their approval. All four of the young people got undressed. The three young men had boners. The girl had a wet cunt.
A wet mouth.
My Gym SexSurprise
I entered the gym at my usual time, 11:30 PM. I enjoy working out
late because there is never anyone in the free weight section and
never anyone swimming that late, so I have pretty much full run
of the place, except last Tuesday night. Now I'm 27, 5'6", 155
lbs, well cut....
Black Boyz Earning Extra Cash
This is a work of fiction. It is not to intended to be read by minors.
It includes acts of homosexuality and dialogue with racial slurs. If
you are offended by this kind of fantasy, please search for something
else to read.
Now, let's get on with our story.
Anal Assasins
Anar, Lothess 20, 1026
"What are you doing up there?" Lindsay asked, looking up at me.
"Remember a few months ago when I asked you if you had ever had a swing
as a child and you said no? Well, it seems criminal that a woman as
beautiful as yourself should go throu....
A Strange Geek and the family orgy
Cassie tightened her arm around Ned's waist and snuggled closer to him.
Ned tried not to let himself think of anything beyond the fact that
they were standing on the boardwalk overlooking the canal that ran
through the center of town. He could feel her trembling and knew she
Erect and fuck
It was her eyes that did it, he thought. Those damned eyes. She didn't
have a picture of herself scanned, so he'd had to rely on his
imagination and whatever titilating decriptions of herself she'd been
willing to let slip during their on-line chats. And those had been so
Two magnificently proportioned breasts
Her mouth was exquisite; her full lips pouted like a soft, scarlet rose. Her
pink tongue licked her lips, then slipped back inside the soft cave. It hid
behind her ultra white smile that kept that seemingly talented tongue trapped
behind two rows of perfect teeth.
Pleasure in your nudity
"They're so small."
"The ideal shape. Here, look in the mirror. Do you see how beautiful you
are? Like the Venus de Milo. Not these, of course, although she
originally had arms. But these are just the shape of her breasts. Watch
yourself. See? She didn't look like....
Fetters of Velvet
"We have fetters of iron there against the wall," the
guard said. "But we're ordered to not put them on thee. Here's a
bed; there's a fire. The baron will send more comforts down, I'm
They disappeared up the ladder. The floor was at least two
Sex Carousel
It's sweet of you, but don't turn down a date with Kirk on my account.
You're not taking him from me; even Diane didn't take him from me,
whatever I said at the time. And I didn't move halfway across the
country to forget him. Howell's offered me a prom....